Home Be Climate Active Tools and resources Tools and resources You can find out more about Climate Active with the following resources. Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standards Document Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions, achieve carbon neutrality and to seek Climate Active certification. It provides best-practice guidance on how to measure, reduce, offset, validate and report emissions that occur as a result an organisation's operations. Document Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Buildings The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Buildings is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions, achieve carbon neutrality and to seek Climate Active certification. It provides best-practice guidance on how to measure, reduce and report emissions data for buildings. Document Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Products and Services The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Products and Services is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions, achieve carbon neutrality and to seek Climate Active certification. It provides best-practice guidance on how to measure, reduce and report emissions data for the creation, use and disposal of a product or service. Document Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Events The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Events is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions, achieve carbon neutrality and to seek Climate Active certification. It provides best-practice guidance on how to measure, reduce and report emissions data for event activities. Document Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Precincts The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Precincts is a voluntary standard to manage greenhouse gas emissions, achieve carbon neutrality and to seek Climate Active certification. It provides best-practice guidance on how to measure, reduce and report emissions data for the operations of a precinct such as a university campus, sporting complex or business park. Technical Guidance Document Technical Guidance Manual The Climate Active Technical Guidance Manual will help you with your carbon neutral application and reporting. It covers the step by step processes for each certification category, calculating your emission boundary, purchasing and reporting on offsets, and compliance procedures. Document Technical Assessment for carbon neutral certification Technical assessments ensure carbon neutral claims meet the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard. Document Third party validation Third party validation ensures carbon calculations are accurate and transparent. Organisations applying for carbon neutral certification must have their source data independently audited or verified. Document Electricity Accounting paper The Electricity Accounting paper details how to account for and report a business’s electricity emissions under a Climate Active carbon neutral claim. Document Guideline: Upfront Carbon for Buildings The Guideline Upfront Carbon for Buildings is for entities seeking Climate Active carbon neutral certification for the delivery phase of a building project. Document Draft guideline: Accounting for carbon removals from tree plantings This draft guideline is for entities seeking to include carbon removals from tree plantings within a Climate Active carbon account. Certification Document Climate Active Portal Guide This guide will help you navigate the Portal when applying for Climate Active certification. Document Climate Active certification sample application form This sample application form is provided to give you an idea of the information we require upon application. This is a sample only, applications will only be accepted via the Portal. Document User Guide for the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard Certification Trade Mark The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Certification Trade Mark (Certification Trade Mark) gives businesses and organisations a credible stamp against their carbon neutral claim. Document Licence Agreement To become certified businesses enter into a licence agreement with the department. The licence agreement includes terms and conditions; the fee schedule, the reporting schedule and the validation schedule. Document Licence Agreement: Guidance and FAQs Guidance for organisations undertaking certification to help them understand their obligations under the Licence Agreement. Document Affiliate Agreement An affiliate agreement allows you to use a Climate Active Certification Trade Mark in certain conditions. Your business must be connected to another that holds the Climate Active Certification. Document Small organisation declaration You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the small organisation certification pathway. This declaration is required to confirm you understand the eligibility requirements your business must meet. Link Certification for buildings - Nabers Certification for buildings is available through the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS). Link Certification for buildings - GBCA Certification for buildings is available through the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) Document Verification framework for buildings To provide additional certainty of the integrity of Climate Active carbon neutral certifications, the Climate Active Building Standard requires verifications are conducted for a minimum of 5% of all applications for carbon neutral certification for buildings. Document Upfront Carbon for Buildings certification application form Upfront Carbon for Buildings (Product) certification is available through Climate Active or the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). If you are seeking certification via Climate Active please use this form. Document Upfront Carbon for Buildings - Annex A Licence Agreement To obtain Climate Active Certification for Upfront Carbon for Buildings, businesses must enter into a licence agreement and this additional Annex A with the Department. This Annex A includes information on reporting obligations, validation requirements, expiry of certification and certification fees that works in accordance with, and supersedes where information is conflicting, the fee, reporting and validation schedules in the licence agreement. Useful links and guidance Document Climate Active Guide The Climate Active Guide is an overview for organisations seeking to be Climate Active carbon neutral certified for their business operations, events, buildings, precincts, products or services. It outlines the benefits certification brings, the process of becoming carbon neutral, and the costs. Document Business Case for going Climate Active The Business Case for going Climate Active identifies the reasons why becoming Climate Active carbon neutral certified makes good business sense. Link Register of consultants Your business may need assistance to gain carbon neutrality certification. View a list of registered consultants who specialise in Climate Active certification on our registered consultant page. Document Climate Active social media terms of use Our social media terms of use outlines what we expect from you when engaging with our social media channels and how we moderate comments.